Support us

Thank you for your interest in supporting us! Check out ways you can support us below. Have other ideas? Let us know!

Share our 2 min carbon footprint quiz

A sample carbon footprint badge, showing the name Raquel and the carbon footprint 9.8 tonnes of CO2 annually

Our 2 min carbon footprint quiz helps everyone get started on their carbon literacy journey in a fun and lighthearted way. Help us by sharing the quiz with friends, family, and colleagues!

Support our hip and fun corporate carbon footprint workshop!

Book our hip and fun carbon footprint team building session!

Our hip and fun corporate carbon footprint workshop is a fun way to learn about carbon footprint! Sustainability is a pillar of employee wellness and this is a great way to build culture, foster team engagement, and learn something new! Book a session with us today!

Learn more

Speaking Opportunities 📣

A platform to help us share our mission is much appreciated! Our founder Michelle is a TEDx and SXSW speaker. If you have an event, conference, retreat, kick-off, we would love the opportunity to speak to your attendees. Anything from a short speech (a few mins) to a longer talk are possible!

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Donate 💰

Yep, we have expenses! From web hosting to designer and developer costs, we also attend conferences to help scale our mission. A monetary donation is very helpful for us and very much appreciated!

Freebies 🆓

Yes, we would love free software or services that will help us with our operations and mission!

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Other ideas 💡?!

We’re all ears! Let us know!

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