Clever Carbon at COP28

At COP28, Michelle and Shannon represented Clever Carbon. Clever Carbon was invited to host a panel at the Tech & Innovation Hub, an official COP28 engagement, together with speakers from the United Nations and Mastercard.

Clever Carbon was also present at numerous side events including Goals House, Keynote for Mubdala’s Youth Event, Climate Impact’s Female Founders Council, and more. See our highlights below!

Carbon Literacy: The most scalable and impactful climate solution

Discover the pivotal role of carbon literacy in the climate crisis and explore its transformative potential of measuring and changing carbon literacy to combat climate change. This panel explores how educating leaders, policymakers, and individuals can drive effective climate solutions by providing a solid foundation of literacy.


Martina Donlon from the United Nations
David Eichberg from Mastercard
Michelle Li from Clever Carbon
Tola St. Matthew-Daniels from Goals House

Female Founders Council with Climateimpact and EY

Keynote for Mubadala's Youth Council

Our founder, Michelle Li, was invited to keynote at Mubadala’s Youth Council on December 8. The title of her talk was “What Gets Measured Gets Changed: A story on carbon literacy and individual action”